yad eliezer devoted to israel

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Attention Yad Eliezer Family - New Annual Report is Here!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Here at Yad Eliezer, we pride ourselves on keeping the lines of communication open with all members of the Yad Eliezer family. We want you � our partners around the world � to be up-to-date with what we are doing here on the Israel front. That’s why our Annual Report ensures that you get a comprehensive picture each year of Israel’s most pressing socioeconomic concerns, and all that we’re doing to try and meet those needs. This year’s report provides the inside look on the grave situation of the nation’s “working poor,” surveys our current programs and projects, gives an overview of our website, introduces you to some of our youngest volunteers, and, as always, provides a detailed budget to ensure that we maintain complete transparency with you, our supporters and friends.

Once you’ve read the report, we’d love to have your feedback. As always, our work depends so much on you, on the input of every member of the Yad Eliezer family. You re our partners in everything we do, in all that we make happen. So please, let us know how you think we can do our work even better, and how you’d like to help us achieve our goals. We welcome your comments and concerns, your visits and volunteering, your queries and contributions. We always want to hear from you!

After all, isn’t that what family is all about?

CLICK HERE to view our Annual Report 2009


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