American Friends of Yad Eliezer now partners with B'ezri

Donating in USD


Rosh Hashana, High Holiday Donation Opportunities

Help needy families with food purchases in honor of the High Holidays. Together we can bring them a sense of celebration, making it a happier new year.


Appliance Packages for Orphans

This fund was established to help orphan brides & grooms in need, by supplying them with brand new basic appliances, so they can set up their homes just like anyone else.


Bread and Milk

Impoverished families are often unable to buy groceries to feed their families. "Groceries" doesn't mean extras. Sometimes it means even the most basic items like bread and milk.


Help the Needy of Israel on Passover

Thousands of families in Israel can barely afford food year-round, let alone the exorbitant prices of matza, wine, and chicken at Pesach time. We can change that.


Widows and Orphans Fund

The Widows and Orphans Fund supports hundreds of families monthly with dignity, by coordinating a range of services for those who have experienced untimely loss.


Shabbat Chicken Program

Donate a chicken to a family in urgent financial crisis and know that through your generosity one more Israeli family will celebrate Shabbat with joy.


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