American Friends of Yad Eliezer now partners with B'ezri

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Celebrating Together

The High Holidays bring together the global Jewish family. This Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, millions will gather around the world to remember what it means to be part of the Jewish Nation. We will celebrate a new year with festive clothing and holiday meals. Yet without your help, thousands of poor families in Israel will not be able to share in our celebration.

Struggling against a cold economic climate and an increasingly inequitable job market, many of these families will be unable to provide even a chicken for the family holiday meals. The hunger of every other day will characterize these special days as well – unless we stand up for what Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur really mean.

This Rosh Hashana, include the poor of Israel in your celebration of the Jewish New Year.

Prepare for the High Holidays

Your donations will allow Yad Eliezer to provide chicken and supermarket vouchers to thousands of people in Israel this Rosh HaShana. Bulk chicken purchases allow Yad Eliezer to purchase large quantities at cost price and distribute them all over the country.

Needy families receive a case of chickens and supermarket vouchers worth $180 to feed them throughout the High Holidays. Families struggling with the most extreme cases of poverty also receive financial aid. In order to avoid embarrassment, discrete neighborhood distributors throughout Israel welcome the poor to their homes to pick up the chickens and vouchers.

Your holiday donation through Yad Eliezer goes further than if you had given it directly to the poor. A generous donor has pledged to match each $2 donation with $1. Local retailers add 6%-8% value of the vouchers as well. That means that your $100 donation will provide about $160 of aid!

Last year, we distributed over $1 million worth of chicken and other holiday essentials to thousands of needy families. This Rosh HaShana, with your help, we hope to make an even bigger difference.

Your open heart is the difference between hunger and satiation for thousands of Jewish children.

Let’s celebrate together


Agunos, Grushos & Melamdim

Provide help for struggling single mothers, wives who've been left alone and teachers who scrape to get by.


Year End

Your year end, tax deductible gift can change lives through our 20+ social service programs. Every donation makes a difference.


Help the Needy of Israel on Passover

Thousands of families in Israel can barely afford food year-round, let alone the exorbitant prices of matza, wine, and chicken at Pesach time. We can change that.


Electricity Support

Provide emergency relief for suffering families by ensuring their lights, heat and other necessities can stay connected.



The tradition of Kapparot involves waving a chicken, fish or sum of money over the heads of each person in the family which is later given to the poor.


Yizkor Donation- Commemorate a Loved One

Giving charity is a powerful way to memorialize the passing of a loved one. Donate for Yizkor or in honor of a Yahrtzeit today.


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