American Friends of Yad Eliezer now partners with B'ezri

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Holidays for IDF soldiers

While we celebrate the holidays, IDF soldiers defend us on the front lines. Some of them live in poverty and cannot afford proper holiday meals. Let’s not forget them. Together we can give them a taste of the holidays!


Summer Relief Campaign

With impoverished kids stuck at home, leaving parents unable to go to work, the loss of income makes an already difficult situation even worse. No money to buy food or pay the electric bill makes summer unbearable. We can bring relief.


Holiday Fund: Food Vouchers For The Hungry of Israel

Since 1989, we have been privileged to help thousands of poor families create happy holiday memories through distribution of food vouchers and aid for necessities.


Yizkor Donation- Commemorate a Loved One

Giving charity is a powerful way to memorialize the passing of a loved one. Donate for Yizkor or in honor of a Yahrtzeit today.


Kol Kallah Lev Georgie Bridal Fund

Help build a Jewish home by enabling impoverished brides to purchase basic linens and housewares.


17th of Tammuz & 9th of Av

Show ahavat chinam, help bring joy and relief during the saddest 3 weeks of the Jewish year.


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