$925,974 RAISED
$1,025,000 Goal
The Power of Matanot L'Evyonim
Is there any event in Jewish history as unique in its "topsy-turviness" as the Purim story?
Back in the time of the Megilla, confusion and fear were miraculously transformed into joy and great celebration.
No wonder the holiday is so full of rollicking excitement, happiness, fun and activity!
Purim is alsoone of the holiest days of the year, an opportune time to do mitzvot and chesed that help the needy, for whom the holiday is not quite as fun. Impoverished families struggle with the cost of the most basic groceries and expenses on a daily basis, so when Purim arrives, feelings of celebration are lost. Money for seudas, mishlochei manot or even a simple costume is non-existent, causing Purim to become a difficult day.
Due to the ongoing rise in food costs, electricity rates and other basics, the number of struggling families has also risen significantly. There'sbeena7.5% increase in the number of struggling households, compared to figures of just two years ago!
As a leading charity for Israel, American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri works to alleviate poverty related challenges for families as often, and for as many needs, as possible. With your help, our Matanot L’Evyonim program will provide tzedaka to struggling families so they can have full seuda tables and other holiday necessities. In true Purim style we can transform their time of sadness and discouragement into a day of great festivity.
Thousands of families in Israel can barely afford food year-round, let alone the exorbitant prices of matza, wine, and chicken at Pesach time. We can change that.
Help needy families with food purchases in honor of the High Holidays. Together we can bring them a sense of celebration, making it a happier new year.
The Widows and Orphans Fund supports hundreds of families monthly with dignity, by coordinating a range of services for those who have experienced untimely loss.
Chanukah is the holiday of light. And warmth. And joy. Bring all of those to families in need, through support that will also bring them invaluable relief.