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Kaddish Stands Alone

Among all the prayers in the Siddur, the Kaddish stands alone. It is unique, intense, and it enables us to experience some of the awe associated with Jewish mysticism.

Reciting it is, as well, a filial duty that gives great benefit to the soul of a departed relative.

The Kaddish prayer is repeated often during T’fila. It is said daily and during Shabbat and holiday prayers.

There are many, many wonderful stories told about Kaddish and its power to benefit both the soul of the departed parent, spouse, sibling or friend and the soul of the reciter.

Whether we are mystics or not, every Jewish soul deserves to have Kaddish said for them.

There are two separate Kaddish requirements. One is for 11 months after the death of a parent, spouse, sibling or friend and the other is Kaddish on the day of death (yarzeit), each year.

Our program enables you to partake in this important opportunity even if you cannot recite Kaddish yourself. A group of wonderful individuals in synagogues in Queens, NY will do so for you. The service is available for a donation of any amount to our program in the name of your relative or close friend.

You can donate monthly or one single time.

All donations will greatly benefit the needy.

What we need from you:

In order to have Kaddish recited, please send us:

1. Your name (preferably your Hebrew name, but written in English-e.g. Abraham ben Yaakov) 

2. The name of the deceased relative or friend, preferably their Hebrew name as well-e.g. Miriam bas Chaim, etc.

If you are unsure of the proper spelling, please try phonetically and we will work on the proper pronunciation. If you do not have the Hebrew name, please submit the name you use regularly- in any language.

3. The date of your relative or friend’s passing. Please note the exact date. If you know the lunar calendar Hebrew date, please give it. If not, you can use the date converter here to find out. You can also provide the solar calendar English date. 

Your loved one’s name will be included on a list of names for whom Kaddish will be recited in the following Shuls, all located in Queens, NY:

Congregation Machzikei Hadas
Yeshiva Ohr HaChaim
Congregation Chasam Sofer
Congregation Beis Ulam
Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim
As we say, "T'hei Nishmaso Tzrura B'tzror HaChaim":
May the souls of your beloved departed be bound in the bond of life!





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17th of Tammuz & 9th of Av

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